Decision Makers

Patient Centred Co-Commissioning Governance Group

On 19 September 2022, the partnership signed the Collaborative Commissioning Head Agreement with NSW Ministry of Health.

The Patient Centred Co-Commissioning Governance Group (PCCG) was formed comprising of Executives from MLHD, MPHN, and NSW Ministry of Health. PCCG maintain oversight and are accountable for the delivery of Living Well, Your Way, funding, decision making and working relationships.

This Head Agreement signified the transition from planning to implementation of the initiative. At the end of year one, the PCCG has been expanded to include other joint projects including Head to Health and the Statewide Diabetes Initiative

Mutual accountability

The PCCG is accountable for the delivery of Living Well, Your Way and is accountable to both the NSW Ministry of Health and the MLHD/MPHN Joint Board Sub-committee. MPHN and MLHD Executives participate in joint quarterly reporting meetings with the NSW Ministry of Health and have mutual responsibility and joint accountability and have encouraged strong support from stakeholders, regardless of the lead agency.