Living Well, Your Way

Building a better way of delivering healthcare for people living with chronic conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).

We can do better

Of the 31 primary health networks in Australia, the Murrumbidgee has the second highest rate of preventable hospitalisations for people living with COPD and CHF.

Together, we can stop these hospitalisations and improve both the quality of life for people living with COPD and CHF, and our hospital system.

Living Well, Your Way (Living Well) is about doing better.

What’s our plan?

How can we provide better care for people with COPD and CHF?

By doing it differently. By establishing a new care pathway – a way of providing care that is based in the community and keeps people out of hospital and living well at home.

Our plan is to:

Assess the ways people with COPD and CHF receive care and support to manage their condition by asking lots of questions and reviewing lots of data.

Ask how their health journey can be improved and design a new and better pathway of care. Talk to lots of stakeholders.

Put the new design to the test to see how well it serves everyone, especially the individuals living with COPD and CHF. Trial and adopt it with as many patient volunteers as possible to ensure it is feasible and that the data and patient journey both improve.

Keep going and apply the same pathway to more people and other chronic conditions.

What we’re talking about is moving from an illness system to a wellbeing system. Moving from patient management focused on ‘what is the matter with the patient’ to person-centred care that focuses on ‘what matters to the patient’. A culture of quality improvement built around data is vital across the sector because it means good quality care for the patient, efficiency and cost savings for GP practice and improvements to the system as a whole, with investment upstream leading to savings downstream.
— Dr Walid Jammal, GP

Our community

Progress update

Introducing the new Living Well, Your Way Care Pathway

Following consultation with more than 200 stakeholders in our region, the joint executive has approved the Living Well, Your Way Care Pathway. The pathway outlines seven stages from prevention and screening through to optimal care in the community. Each stage brings together a range of healthcare professionals to support people living with COPD and CHF to navigate their health journey.


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Are you Living with COPD and CHF?

A call for participants

Living Well, Your Way will change the way people with chronic conditions live, but to do that we need participants from the local region. If you or someone you know is living with COPD and/or CHF, sign up today and let us help you or your loved one navigate a new way of accessing care and support to improve the quality of your life.

To find out more and get involved, please email:


Healthcare professional wanting to make a difference?

Join the Living Well, Your Way Clinical Advisory Group

We are now accepting expressions of interest.