Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation services for people with chronic disease.  

Regular moderate-intensity exercise can improve physical health and quality of life and can decrease hospitalisation for people with chronic disease.  Often it is difficult for people with health conditions in rural areas to find appropriately customised exercise programs they feel safe to participate in.  

Pulmonary (Respiratory) and Cardiac Rehabilitation is a FREE eight-week education and exercise rehabilitation program that is best practice for people with heart and lung conditions, especially within four weeks of discharge from hospital. 

After rehabilitation, people can continue to exercise through free classes via Lungs in Action.

Find a program near you 

Search for a program near you here.

For more information or assistance with referrals contact MLHD Community Care Intake Service:
1800 654 324 or via email:

  • For: COPD, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, or heart surgery  

    Locations: Wagga Wagga, Young, Griffith, Deniliquin, Hay and Hillston 

    Availability of service: Classes available now.

    To attend a rehabilitation program a GP referral is required. Contact CCIS on 1800 654 324 or take this referral form to your GP to complete.

    To access currently available Rehab Program and Lungs in Action classes please click here.

  • (in partnership with Kinetic Medicine) 

    For: COPD, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, or heart surgery  

    Locations:  Corowa and Narrandera  

    Availability of service: Classes available now. Contact Kinetic Medicine 02 5924 5292 

    Note: GP referral is required. Contact CCIS on 1800 654 324 or take this referral form to your GP to complete. 

  • (delivered by Marathon Health and Back on Track Physiotherapy)  

    For: Chronic respiratory condition or Heart Failure   

    Locations: Leeton (Closed) and Lake Cargelligo 

    Availability of service: Leeton: 10 February 2025 (Closed). Lake Cargelligo starts 28 April ending June 2025.   

    Contact CCIS - 1800 654 324 or Marathon Health for information and referral – 1300 148 223  

  • For: Chronic Heart and Lung conditions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 

    Locations: Wagga (RivMed), Griffith (GAMS), Narrandera (MLHD & Kinetic Medicine) 

    Availability of service: Rolling start dates through 2025.  


    • Griffith Aboriginal Medical Services – 02 6962 0000

    • Chronic Respiratory and Heart Failure Service – Griffith Community Health Centre – 02 6966 9900

    • Griffith Health Service – Aboriginal Health Worker – 02 6969 5529

  • For: Heart and Lung (respiratory) conditions 

    Locations: Wagga (In Motion Fitness) and Corowa (HealthCareHub) 

    Free group fitness classes with gentle cardiovascular, resistance and balance exercises for people who have completed pulmonary or cardiac rehabilitation programs.  

    Availability of service: Search for a class here.

Murundhu I Live, I Breathe: Griffith and Wagga Wagga 

Through the co-design of ‘Living Well, Your Way’, local Aboriginal people expressed that a ‘mainstream’ rehabilitation program may not best meet their needs. In partnership with Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service and MLHD, Murundhu – I live, I breath – pulmonary and heart failure rehabilitation was created to deliver culturally safe spaces to exercise and education through clinical yarning and storytelling.

Striving for a cultural approach to learning, yarning circles are ‘with’ and ‘led’ by the participants avoiding a traditional western didactive presentation which is typically delivered ‘to' participants. From the outset this approach has been extremely successful in encouraging engagement, discussion, and promoting interest in health literacy. 

Upon completion of the program participants will be linked with community exercise program options such as Aunty Jean’s (local generalised chronic health support group for aboriginal populations) for ongoing maintenance and provided a home exercise program. 

For further information contact:

  • Griffith Aboriginal Medical Services – 02 6962 0000

  • Chronic Respiratory and Heart Failure Service – Griffith Community Health Centre – 02 6966 9900

  • Griffith Health Service – Aboriginal Health Worker – 02 6969 5529

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Participant Feedback

“More people need to do this - it is so good for the body and the mind.”
“I love yarning with my mob - we learn so much with each other.”

Team Feedback

“The transformation in the group is amazing.”
“The social and cultural connection is so powerful.”

Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation news