Project focus: Living Well website
Introducing the Living Well website
Just in time to celebrate our first birthday, our brand new Living Well, Your Way website launches this month.
The website – – provides information on the program and why we focus on COPH and CHF as well as details about our team and real-life stories from some of our patients. It will be where we house all of our project updates and where you can go for all your Living Well-related news.
As Senior Project Officer Melanie Reeves explains, managing change is a vital part of Living Well and the website is the perfect platform to keep people informed about opportunities and realignments in services.
“Living Well is all about changing the way we deliver healthcare and part of that change is making sure we have a joined-up interdisciplinary approach. Our new website sits along other communications channels like our newsletter and will play an important role in ensuring all stakeholders are across our work and have a meaningful experience.
“One of the most significant ways the website will help stakeholders is providing permanent access to the Living Well, Your Way care pathway. This will help reassure people of their role in the pathway and see what other practitioners, services and steps come before and after them in the patient journey. The site will also allow stakeholders to stay up-to-date of all Living Well changes and achievements, and to follow some of the patient stories so they can see the very real impact the program is having.
We encourage everyone to familiarise themselves with the website and as the project is about the move into Implementation Phase, we ask all healthcare providers who haven’t already done so to review the care pathway and provide us with their feedback. All comments should be emailed to: