March project update
Our team has also been busy working toward a number of important steps, including:
Hospital in the Home (HITH) pathway – consultation is occurring with various agencies and stakeholders to ensure HITH plays an integral role in the pathway allowing consumers to receive care in their own homes and avoid hospital admissions
Winter Strategy – Expressions of Interest (EOI) closed on 28 March for the Living Well, Your Way General Practice Winter Strategy. The strategy will build on the learnings from the last three years of the Murrumbidgee Winter Strategy and the newly developed Living Well, Your Way Care Pathway for people with chronic disease.
Living Well Clinical Advisory Group – After receiving an outstanding number of responses to our EOI, we have now formed an advisory group to ensure clinical expertise can be provided to all elements of the pathway. The group will meet monthly to support the development and implementation of new models of care, provide expert clinical advice and decision making to the joint governance group, share insights into digital health solutions, and make recommendations on options for trials to be undertaken throughout the Murrumbidgee as we move toward implementation.
Living Well Respiratory and Heart Failure Model of Care for MLHD Clinicians
Developed to reflect the needs of people diagnosed with/or symptomatic of having COPD or CHF in the Murrumbidgee, the Respiratory and Heart Failure Model of Care provides a clinical guide for specialist nursing and allied health care for people with heart failure and respiratory conditions, including COPD in the MLHD. It is designed to support people living with these chronic conditions to achieve optimal quality of life, improve ability to self-manage their disease, restore functional capabilities, and help them to access clinical interventions that prevent hospitalisation.
The Model covers:
Defining patient profiles
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Clinical service model components
Pulmonary and heart failure rehabilitation
Service profiles
Duration discharge of the program.
The draft Model of Care is currently out for consultation and feedback – if you would like to provide input please review on the attached link and provide feedback to